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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  September 25, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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"u.s.a. today" quote it was fantastic race. we wouldn't have had it any other way to. come from behind these guys just showed so much heart. congratulations. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. >> i'm harris faulkner in tonight for shepard smith the reason he did it was not political. it was not an office grudge. instead, it appears, the gunman in the washington navy yard massacre thought he was under the control of radio waives. the bombshell new details come from the fbi as investigatorsñi released chilling video of the gunman who last monday killed 12 people before police shot anymore a shootout. caught him in the building in theñi back. notice the person in front of him holding the door open courtesy for a soon-to-be killer. next we see the shooter stalking the hallway. sawed off shotgun handñr iñr
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doesn't fire. keeps on moving. next, he heads down a stairwell and into antser holloway. he walks in a straight to take cover behind a corner. notice how he is crouching down kind of lake. >> anna: mall watching for his prey. now we are going to play the clip again. notice down the hallway people are running for cover. indicating the rampage hadw3 begun. now i want to watch it for you again. the way that tku feds fedñi it it toñr us without sound. it's very powerful. now clearly, he wouldñi have
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made some noise. would he haveñi beenñrxd advisd that there really wasn't much. p/eru5eáázñr stalking. of course,çó the clips from theçó fbi don'tçó showñi the actual shootings feds are revealing key details from their investigation. ones which seem to confirm the cracialght are contractor was a ticking time bomb. jennifer griffin live tonight from the pentagon. what is the fbi saying about what this man did and how the pentagon is reacting? >> harris, defense officials tell us they are furious the fbi put out this video footage today calling it gratuitous saying it only adds to the pain of the families brought back to the killer. clues gleaned from his now suggest a motive and he believed he was being controlled by extremely low frequency or else magnetic waives. he suffered from delusions they say for the past three
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months. he carved into this sawed off shotgun three different things, he wrote into the torment. not what y'all say. better off this way. and my elf weapon. >> at this point, i can confirm that there are multiple indicators that alexis held a delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency or e.l.f., electromagnetic waives. >> e.l.f. waves were used to communicate under water with nuclear submarines until 2004. that's when the navy stopped that practice fbi says it is shorthand. >> watch that video together, jennifer, where he seems to look into an office targeting people that you knew. >> not according to the fbi. in fact, they had said
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today he had had a routine meeting with his supervisors on friday. there was nothing unusual in that meeting, that friday before the attack. he started working at the navy yard on september 9th. inside the bathroom on the fourth floor of building 197, the fbi found a usb card reader. a data stick. a tough drive usb stick and external drive. as well as a number of cd's and dvds. >> there wind carrots that alexis was prepared to die during the attack that he accepted death as the unevident tillable consequence of his actions. there is no indication today that alexis was targeting specific individuals. >> alexis was killed by law enforcement officials after an hour. sources tell fox the video released by the fbi today showed alexis after he had already started his killing spree. harris? >> jennifer griffin tonight live from washington. thank you.
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>> less than a week to go until a possible government shutdown. today the senate volted unanimously to move ahead with a house bill that keeps the government running but also cuts funding for the healthcare overhaul. that's just the current version of the bill though. senate democrats say they plan to put back that funding for obama care into tj?j"ut(vrj vote happened after texas republican ted cruz wrapped up a 21-hour long speech, the fourth longest in senate history to protest obama care. at one point he read bedtime stories to his daughters from the senate floor. and used dr. suess classic to make his case. >> when americans tried it it, they discovered they did not like green eggs and ham and they did not like bomb that care either. >> maybe ted cruz wants obama care occurred might actually like it. >> senator cruze's all nighter was not technically a filibuster because under senate rules he could not block today's vote. mike emanuel live on capitol hill. mike, he made his point.
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what effect is it having? >> well, harris, senator ted cruze clearly tried to inspire, fire up the american public to send a loud message to washington. the critical votes are common. he is trying to build pressure. here is senator cruze after his marathon session on the floor. this was all about elevating the vote in the public. at this point the debate is in the hands of the american people. >> there are indications tonight the timetable here in the senate may speed up. nobody seems interested in eating the maximum amount of time which would take the votes to after 1:00 a.m. on saturday morning. even cruze himself says he would like the votes to be on friday when the american public is watching, harris? >> i will tell you if if some of the social media out there is any indication, no matter how people felt about the politics of this, they loved senator cruze's passion. he has critics as well. what re this saying? >> no question he about
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that senator chuck schumer says cruze was doing united drattle and divided, alienated some of his republican colleagues. senate majority leader harry reid are says it was all a waste of time. hour he speaks another hour to a republican government shutdown. >> time is a concern because harry reid wants to put money for obama care back in the bill here in the senate. that would have to be sent back to the house so time is running out,xd harris what abouted in tv$ñ republican party those leaders did not join cruze. >> their focus seems to be on picking off at risk 2014 red state democrats who this will be a tough vote for. do they put money back in for obama care? if obama care is unpopular in their home state. here is the senate republican leader on that
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all we need are five democrats to stand against their party and with the american people on this vote. that's enough to pass the bill. enough to to keep the government open and to keep obama care funding out of it. before this train collides with reality. >> so leader mcconnell clearly hoping that you will put some red state democrats on the spot when this comes up for a vote. do they back their party leadership? or do they worry about their election chances in 2014? in voting on obama care? harris? >> harris: senator cruze got everybody's attention. mike emanuel you have ours tonight. thank you very much. next week americans can begin so they are set to anyway signing up for insurance exchanges. today the white house released a report claiming premiums will be lower than officials originally predicted. but republicans and other critics, even some of those with unions point out prices could still be higher than what some americans are paying now. ed henry live at the white
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house, ed, so there is this dispute about what the white house is claiming? they claim 9 a% of people would be eligible to go into exchanges will experience lower premiums. you have to read the fine print they said lower in the sense that it will be lower premiums than previously projected by the congressional budget office. not an apple to apple comparison of say premiums this year to premiums next year because they really don't know how all of this is going to to work out. so when i pressed jay carney today on that apples to apples comparison here is his response this is not apples to apples. it's apple full of worms compared to apple that's fresh and delicious. >> apple may not be so delicious though according to wiewrnl report today that pointed out a 27-year-old male
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nonsmokener philadelphia forearm would see their premiums go up from $73 a month to $195 a month if they go into these insurance exchanges. there is a lot of numbers flying around and nobody is quite sure exactly what's going to happen, harris. >> harris: putting fear in the hearts of men and women have to pass to know what's in it by one democrat. political fallout i understand, ed, over the clintons helping president obama make his case. >> look the president has this beginning next week. opening insurance exchanges. big moment for him key legacy item. yesterday in new york he took time out between all that u.n. diplomacy to sit down not just with former president bill clinton but secretary of state hillary clinton had her own experience difficult experience with healthcare in the clinton administration and in the 2008 campaign against then senator barack obama obamas
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braced the obama plan he has a new name for. this take a listen. >> they are selling this bill as hard as they can sell it i will never call it obama care anymore. i'm going to call it clinton care. >> clinton care. we will see whether or not that catches on likely to be a big issue beyond october 1st to the mid terms now lindsey graham says 2016 presidential campaign as well, harris. >> ed henry thank you very much. we are getting a look now at the extent of the damage after the terror attack at a mall in kenya. three stories have now collapsed. making it much harder for teams to find the bodies of victims and possibly the attackers. an update on the investigation. remember, americans were caught up in that. and, a deadly shooting that forced a mall right here in america to go on lockdown. details now on the search
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responsibility. what's your policy? >> the attackers who opened fire on shopping mall americans and other foreign ministers according to al shabaab which claimed responsibility pretty early on. now they have told the associated press in an email the government vetted the people inside the mall making sure not to hurt muslims. and now one woman who survived the attack is telling the world about her horrifying ordeal. she said after the gunman opened fire she tried to get a young boy out of the mall alive. >> i had i him it was a bit of a strain to try to lift him. quite a big boy. i couldn't, before i could even get my hands straight
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up, there was big horrible ugly sound and i realized it was grenade being thrown said that child died in her arm. she took shrapnel wounds herself. the red cross managed to rescue her several hours later. chief fox report correspondent jonathan hunt is live in our new york city newsroom. we are now hearing from the leader of al shabaab. rye leased audiotape on twitter account that they say is from their leader. part of that audiotape, that leader abu says, quote. there is no way that you, the kenyan public, could possibly endure a long war in somalia and cannot also stand a war of attrition inside your own country. make your choice today and withdraw all your forces
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from the islamic region. otherwise, be prepared for abundance of blood that will be spilt in your country. economic downfall and displacement. kenyan officials, of course, have said all along since this attack began on saturday, that they are ready for this fight with al shabaab. they have already engaged in it in somalia. they say, those kenyan officials, that they will win this battle but it will be a long one. harris? >> i understand the search is on for people who didn't make it that would either be the victims in this or the attackers. what's happening inside that mall? >> it depends on whom you are -- want to defend on for information. al shabaab again the group behind this attack say that in the collapsed part of the mall, there could be as many as 137 of the civilians that they were holdings who hostage. the kenyan interior minister on the other hand said that in that rubble there are, as he put it it,
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quote, an insignificant number. of the interior minister also addressed reports at that time attackers may have actually rented a store in the mall weeks earlier and stockpiled weapons there. listen. we're getting a lot of information and input from people of goodwill also from vision -- >> obviously it is a chilling thought that those attackers may have rented a store there weeks before, launching this attack, harris. but also, it is one that would make some sense given the amount and caliber of weaponry they appear to have at their disposal, harris. >> and also the reports, jonathan of just how well they knew the layout of that mall apparently. thank you very much.
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a mall right here in the united states on lockdown today after a deadly shooting that happened nearby. garden city on new york's long island was the scene about a half hour from new york city. and you can see the roosevelt field mall was a shooting on the map that we put together. police say a gunman walked into the office of a company that sold light fixtures, shot and killed a worker there. hurt the owner and then drove off in a white suv. investigators say the suspect is a vendor who had done business with that lighting fixture company. these targeted the employees it was not random. at last word the suspect was still on the loose. they are fairly confident is he no longer in the area. in fact, the mall has reopened to customers. that happened a few hours after the shooting if you stocked up on forever stamps. you are smarter than everybody else. i didn't. you know why? i'm not too happy about that? because it looks like the price is forever stamp snail mail could go up again. we will tell you by how much when we come back.
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i may soon have to pay more to mail a letter if the u.s. postal service gets its way. 3% stamp hike because no surprise it's running out of cash. patrick donohoe says the agency may have no other choice since he expects to lose $6 billion this year, right now the price is 46 cents to mail snail mail through the u.s. postal service. a decade ago it was 37. 20 years ago, of course none of us was born yet. it was 29 crongts. the fox business network jolene kent joins us now and we won't take a look back. we will look forward. what's the reaction to this? >> well, republicans and democrats both feel for the postal service.
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and they want to have a bipartisan solution. which is nice to hear after all the gridlock that we have been dealing with on capitol hill. ranking democrat elijah cummings says it is congress' responsibility. he is a democrat. to solve this problem and restructure and also the republican darrell issa the chair of that committee he is also saying this is a short-term solution not good enough people will run away. >> 49 cents isn't going to necessarily break the bank. however most people are sending email anyway. there is a lot of dig call competition. what's the outlook for the service? >> they have to restructure in a way that congress doesn't have to support them. right now they are thinking about eliminating saturday service, eliminating door-to-door service and also lift ago ban on alcohol shipping which right now is completely dominated by u.p.s. and fedex. there is a lot of different ways that they can try to fishing this but it has to be a long-term solution for them to survive. >> always good to see you.
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thank you very much. the fbi agents that are looking for clues now inside that shopping mall where terrorist attacked in kenya. investigators are trying to figure out whether any of the terrorists came from the united states and if so exactly from where. and call him dr. macgyver, also a hero. the doctor who performed life saving surgery in a restaurant. i will take that with fries, thank you. i have low testosterone. there, i said it.
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a doctor to a rescue inside a student where a woman started choking on her food in bakersville, california. a supervisor was at dinner with some friends when a piece of meat got stuck in her throat. people tried to give her the heimlich maneuver. it didn't help. just so happens a group of doctors was eating there as well. one of them, grabbed a knife and a pin and performed a tracheotomy right there among the tables. and soon she was breathing again. now her sob says she is recovering just fine. i'm harris faulkner in tonight for shepard smith. this is the fox report. fbi agents are studying the bloody crime scene inside that shopping mall in kenya's capital. police say gunmen killed dozens of people and wounded 200 others including americans. investigators are looking for fingerprints. d.n.a. samples, the usual. trying to identify the suspect and the victims. attorney general eric holder said today the u.s. does not have any evidence to suggest americans took part in the attack but the investigation is far from
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over. catherine herridge live in d.c. with the news now. catherine, what's the latest that you are hearing about that. >> harris, beared on the available evidence. federal law enforcement sources none of the hostages were able to escape. u.s. authorities believe more than 2 owere taken captive. fox news was also told there was an effort by al shabaab to negotiate. the taste group wanted money. offer received more for show than legitimate effort standoff. while 11 terrorists survived. tell fox news kenyan authorities have not been forthcoming with the names on the terrorist renting a store in that mall. u.s. officials say they are still waiting to see evidence that it happened. separately the afp is reporting tonight a radicalized british citizen known as the white widow after her husband became a suicide bomber used a fake passport, a fight photo here is from her south african passport and fake name to rent three properties in the johannesberg area. wrapping up debt in excess of $8,000.
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she is wanted by cannian authorities for an earlier terror plot. federal law enforcement sources tell fox news the white widow's role remains a question in this case harris. >> harris: i understand there has been a shift in the counter terrorism strategy that the white house uses. how so? >> that's right, harris. new statistics counter terrorism journal show more than 60 terrorist events worldwide since july 1st. that amounts to one tweet every day at the same time fox news is confirming that u.s. drone strikes are down overseas. according to the long war journal which tracks the strikes. year it years the hits in pakistan and yemen are down by some 50%. and given the current threat picture with kenyaened at temporary closing of go dozen u.s. embassies in august. this strategy is not sitting well with the house intelligence committee chairman. >> there have been counter terrorism changes made by the administration that concern us all. things that we have been working on for a period of months that we are trying to work through that are very very concerning.
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this is no time to retreat. >> not commenting on drone use today, the white house insisting its efforts are robust. >> i would point you to the president's speech on this matter and and then make clear that we have worked with our partners very aggressively when it comes to al shabaab the president's speech in may announced a shift in policy. the number of strikes has dropped dramatically. it's characterized as reactive rather than a proactive strategy, harris. >> catherine, thank you. the state department is defending its investigation of the attack on the u.s. outpost in benghazi, libya. the department's inspector general now says the report by the accountability review board was not biased. a spokesperson for republican congressman darrell issa disagrees, calling that original
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review, quote: repackaged talking points. and as you know, he has been leading the probe on capitol hill to get to the truth. the benghazi attack killed u.s. ambassador christopher stephens, state department officer sean smith and two former navy seals tyrone woods and glen dorty. and also from libya, a jarring report, fox news has learned thieves in libya have stolen hundreds of american weapons and they are now in the hands of militia groups. adam housley is live for us in our west coast news hub, where with d. these weapons come from and how were they lost. >> update tox exclusive report three weeks ago when we originally were told dozens of weapons were stolen. weapons were used by the u.s. given by the libyans to train them to help fight terrorism. this training team went in after the benghazi attack last fall, helped track some of those who were responsible for the attack or who we believe were responsible for the attack and that team has since been pulled within the last month or so.
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these raids happened in the last month. a number of weapons were stolen. now we are told a lot more than originally led to believe. including gmv's. uparmoured humvees that are used by special forces. couple hundred mile range. very strong humvees. about 23 we're told are missing. also missing are hundreds of weapons including rifles as well as glock business tolings. on top of that the thing that disturbs them the most is every piece of night vision equipment is gone. not just the stuff we use for military war fighters that you might be able to find in the black market. stuff that works infrared in the daylight with a beam of lighting up an entire vehicle. harris? >> how in the world do you lose a humvee? i guess we have to wait to see. what is the latest -- >> -- that's a very good question. >> what is the latest on the investigation now into what happened in our outpost in benghazi? >> well, can you kind of ty these together in alittle bit in the situation in libya is extremely difficult. there really have no security whatsoever.
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you add these weapons in the mix now in the hands of some of the militia groups that we were potentially going to try and battle with this libyan force that we were putting up. so you add those together with the fact that we have not arrested anybody still now more than a year since the attack. we know that significant information was given to our leadership back in january nothing was done. i was cautioned by one diplomat last night who said, you know, it's frustrating we haven't done anything so far. we should have done something so far. it doesn't mean we are not doing anything at all. potentially something could be coming down the pipeline, again, harris, a lot of questions with really how we are handling the situation in libya. the government is very fragile. now all this equipment that could be used against them, our allies or even us is now missing. >> harris: fox news will continue to ask those good questions. adam housley thank you very much. your letter carrier is always there. you know the saying. they are there for you through neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night. will keep them away. now you can add bioterror attack to that list.
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bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh!
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[ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? america's largest bank could be another major settlement. this one several million dollars. j.p. morgan chase's role in the risky business practices that helped spark the housing crisis. now j.p. morgan insiders tell fox business there is roughly a 50/50 chance the bank may agree on a proposed and that a deal would not end all of the government investigations currently going on. now, you will recall, we reported just last week jp morgan agreed to shell out maybe a billion in penalties for last year's massive trading mistake linked to one trader who earned himself the nickname
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the whale. wall street did not seem to mind. jp morgan stock up more than 2 and a half% on the new york stock exchange. if you are in the market for a gold smart phone, you have a couple of options. there is a catch though. you might have to travel to the middle east. couple of weeks after the latest iphone's launch samsung today tweeted out a picture of new gold edition galaxy s 4. couple of dollars there pink everyoned in gold. brown etched in gold. beyond the picture though there is really no other information. can you see samsung gulf division put it out there. analysts say the company is probably testing the market in the middle east before it decides whether to go global. at least two drifersz have accidently driven right on to active airport runway in alaska all because of their iphones. a spokesperson for fair banks international airport says an aglitch in apple's map feature for the iphone is a real problem. she says, this has happened twice. this month, the iphone map app. directs people to
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take a wrong route to the terminal. she says it doesn't actually tell the drivers to cross the tarmac. but it brings them so close to the edge, the drivers just keep right on going across the runway. active runway. the spokeswoman claims both incidents though happened late at night in between flights, thankfully. and that state officials have now reached out to apple to repair the problem. study shows 15% of americans don't use the web at awesome researchers with the pew research centers also say 9% of americans only use the internet when they are not at home. the study shows the remaining 76% do go online from home. intersnret use age. less than half of americans, 6 a and older claim they do not use the internet. well, if terrorists were ever to launch an attack using biological weapons on our soil, your local letter
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carrier would be there to help. i tweeted out a picture of this. the u.s. postal service says it's teaming up with the department of health and human services and conducting drills. they say in the event of a future bioattack, carriers would be able to deliver antidotes directly to all affected homes within a 48 hour period. rick leventhal is live in post office in philadelphia. rick, why the post office? >> you know, harris, new asked the folks at the postal station they will tell you if you need medicine delivered as fast as possible to every resident of a metropolitan area. there is no better people to do it than the mail carriers, they know the routes and neighborhoods. now they have the volunteers. 1500 mail carriers have signed up in five major cities across the country, including philadelphia where bill snyder is one of some 600 letter carriers to sign up for this department of health and human services postal plan initiative. in the event of a major bioterrorism attack bill and the other volunteers
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auto would be called in to distribution points to pick up loads of on at this biotics and familiar threats and armed with protective gear and a police escort. they would deliver the drugs to every single home within 48 hours of an incident. >> i think it's just been extension of what we do here. i mean, we serve the public. we live here. it's kind of an extended family. and something like this goes down, people are going to need help. and who better than your letter carrier to deliver the medicine that's going to be needed. >> and, bill doesn't have to do this. he is a 28 year veteran. is he also a military veteran like many of the mail carriers and asked him why would you do it he said why not, harris. >> i'm wondering what this would cost like 11 minutes ago in the program we told people that the forever price is going up. and u.s. postal service is running out of cash. the postal service is not funding. this the money comes from congress. it does cost money to run a program like this. it's also in four other cities, san diego, minneapolis saint paul that
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money has to come from somewhere to pay for. this the usps and hhs say they need $5 million to pay for the program for three more years. without that money, they can't expand to other cities or even maintain where they have already trained to respond to bioterror. those million doses of doxycycline will expire. >> i'm hoping we don't get a government shutdown at the end of the month. we need some type of continuing resolution to be able to appropriate the money that we need to run the government. hopefully this program will continue to be part of that >> well, the funding does expire at the end of this month, harris. so, if they don't get more funding, then this program, like the drugs, will expire. >> harris: rick lesson that you, thank you very much. a smash and grab robbery in the middle of the day. the crime ride of choice, a u-haul van. it's our top story on this fox trip across america.
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michigan. you can see a man ramming the vehicle several times into a detroit liquor store. once inside, he emptied the registers, even took one with him when he couldn't get it open. the store owner says he is angry passers by did nothing to help stop it. >> people walking through and they see him doing it, nobody said nothing. nobody called police. >> people at a local energy company eventually discovered what had happened because that u-haul hit a gas line. they phoned police who alerted the store owner. california. surveillance video captured the moment a man punched a grocery store managener a face at a safeway store near san francisco. can you see the attacker strolling through the aisles before crossing paths with that manager. witnesses say they exchanged a few words. then the man suddenly hit the manager knocking him to the ground. he went to the hospital. his attacker stormed out of the store. at last check, police were still looking for him.
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illinois. a firefighter rescuing 8 puppies near the missouri border. crews say. >> anna: mall group firehouse to tell them about some pups. abandoned in a pile of brush. he. >> he was getting off work and took the chainsaw before he went home and went to help miss high tower get those puppies out. that was something he did on his own. >> the pups mother was dead a block away. apparently mauled in a dogfight. the litter is with families awaiting adoption. that's a fox watch across america. giving mixed signals. imagine that. now he claims his country is ready to negotiate over nuclear program. remember last week they had the right to enrich uranium. he said that part, too. we will be live from the united nations next.
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>> harris: ohio has used a particular execution drug for the very last time because the state supply is expiring. the final dose administered to man who murdered two people. ohio executed 61-year-old harry myths jr. today by lethal injection using the sedative pentobarbital. fatally shooting a black man after using racial slurs and killing a police officer in 1994. he later said he found god in prison after receiving a bible from the family of one of the victims. the state expects to announce its new execution method on october 4th. we have got nothing to hide, those words from iran's president today. he says his country is
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ready to talk about its disputed nuclear activities. the president is in new york this week along with other world leaders for the united nations general assembly. he also told reporters iran must be careful? r. in starting a new relationship with the united states. you will remember u.s. and iranian leaders have not met in more than three decades. syria still high on at&t diswrean at the assembly. late this afternoon, we have learned five countries, the u.s., rush sharks britain france and china have all agreed on the core of the u.n. security council's resolution which would rid syria of its chemical weapons. eric shawn is live for us with the news tonight at the u.n. eric? good evening, harris, as you said, something has occurred that has not happened in three decades, not since before the islamic revolution in iran in 1979. first high level meeting between our government and tehran here at the u.n. that's when secretary of state john kerry will sit down with four other
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members of the security council plus germany with iran's foreign minister. they will be discussing iran's disputed nuclear program. iran's foreign minister is very well known here. iranian ambassador for 10 years. this could be the first possible opening of dialogue and diplomacy between iran and the west comes after the iranian president united nations openness trying to deal with the sanctions. he vows iran does not want nuclear weapons but does want the right to enrich uranium as other nations do to make electricity. president obama has said in his speech that concilla tore words are important. what is important and what is needed needed are variable actions that can show that the iranian also truly cooperate with the united nations. that is a nation that is open. the first step, a landmark step begins here tomorrow, harris. >> what about movement on the syrian revolution. >> while you have the
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iranian you have the situation in syria and resolution voted on in a few days. as you may recall the security council has been wrestling with that unable to deal with the horrific tragedy syria right now for the past two and a half years threat of force in that resolution if do not comply. we understand a somewhat watered down resolution may be accepted does call for imposing measures does not have a threat of force unless it is proven that assad does not comply. the syrian opposition wants assad to go they are talking about having potential peace talks in geneva. they say when he sits down with the iranian foreign minister tomorrow syria should also come up. i hope that secretary kerry will convey a strong mess stooge iranians if they want to be part of the effective part of the international community they need to rethink not only on syria but on much wider scale on how they
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deal with the world. syria and iran two historic moments could occur tomorrow at the united nations. harris? >> eric shawn, thank you very much. apparently glowing up is overrated all the things we can do vote. obtain medical treatment without consent enlist in the military should be put on hold until we are 25 years old. who thinks that is a good idea? next. [ man ] monica had big drs for her wedding. i want peacocks. peacocks? walking the grounds. in tuscany. [ man ] her parents didn't expect her dreams to be so ambitious. italy? oh, that's not good. [ man ] by exploring their options, they learned that instead of going to italy, they could use a home equity loan to renovate their yard and have a beautiful wedding right here while possibly increasing the value of their home. you and roger could get married in our backyard. it's robert, dad. [ female announcer ] come in to find the right credit options for your needs. because when people talk, great things happen.
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>> there is a term called eemerging adulthood that speaks to the 18 to 25-year-olds. what they find over and over is that somebody doesn't feel like an adult until after 25 because they define adulthood now stuff like getting married and having babies. that's happening later. so if you north getting married and not having babies, how would you feel like an adult. >> harris: experts say the bottom line stop rushing kids through childhood. great, now there is a scientific study for never growing up. at least we didn't pay for it they did it in the u.k. updating some of our top stories now. the fbi reports the suspected navy yard shooter believed he was under the control of radio waives. the feds also released chilling surveillance video of the suspect stalking hallways looking for his victims. a live look now at the floor of the u.s. senate just a few days left before a possible government shutdown senate voted unanimously to approve a bill keeps government
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running cuts spending for the overhaul. they will will refor that funding in a later version of the bill. fbi agents are helping authorities in kenya determine the identities of the gunman who opened fire and killed dozens of people at a shopping mall. according to al qaeda linked group al shabaab the targeted americans and other are foreigners. and on this day in 1965, leroy sat hal page. negative glow leagues and highest paid pitcher of his day. he eventually signed his first big league deal about the cleveland indians about a year after jackie robinson broke baseball's color barrier. more than a year after spending a decade out of the pagers. signed him for a single game. gave up one hit in three innings as he became the oldest man to take the major league mound 48 years ago today.
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that is how fox reports on this wednesday, september 25th, 2013. i'm harris faulkner in for shep. we will be back same time tomorrow. in six seconds you have got the factor. have a great night. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: ♪ the tax man ♪ yeah the tax man. >> while many americans are having trouble saving money, taxes keep going up and up and up. we're at record levels right now. why? we'll have a factor investigation. i like little burgers, i'm a big fan of eating castle burg. >> bill: senator cruze speaking for 21 hours straight trying to block obama care. what mr. cruze accomplished. >> what do you believe people will be surprised to learn about jesus? >> bill: that he was a regular guy. very afraid, very afraid. >> what do you mean very


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